Saturday, August 6, 2011

The latest media poster boy, Anna Hazare is enjoying his new found fame at the cost of visible unease in the Congress and the hidden unease within the main opposition BJP.

On the one hand the core issue of corruption as a deep entrenched menace to the society is well appreciated, the method or approach adopted by the Anna to flush it out from the system leaves much to be desired.
When the government of the day buckled under pressure of Anna's 5-day fast and agreed to the setting up of a committee of 10 people to draft a bill for tackling corruption, it took the unprecedented step of giving an equal say to the non-elected persons to have a say in formulation of a future law.  This act was the begining of belitling the electoral process, degrading the position of elected members and allowing non-elected people to frame laws.

What transpired during the life of the committee where politicians deftly brushed aside the diktats of the non-political members was a natural result of excessive use of public hype against seasoned members of the political and administrative system.  At this point, I must say that the general public, especially the youth who have jumped on board the Anna team are unaware of the darker sides of this campaign.

Corruption is not merely the act of undue gratification by way of monetary benefits or benefits in kind, either directly or indirectly, to a person associated with political system or with the system of administration and governance of affairs in a country.  A corrupt act encompasses a wider definition, which covers all such acts, deeds and motives which aim to get around to do something which in normal circumstances is either not easily doable or something immoral, illegal or beyond the capacity of execution of a person of ordinary means.  Considering this, all those joining Anna Hazare's movement need to first do a reality check on themselves and on those whom they are following and joining in the movement.  They need to analyse as to why suddenly one man and his 'coterie' has come up with so much of morality and goodness in life as to attempt to bring a law, which according to them, is the effective mean of ending corruption in public life. 

As an individual, Anna Hazare may have had a non-corrupt public life, but then at 74 years of age, he has had not much credible achievement within the limits of the state of Maharashtra, except of course forcing certain ministers and a powerful leader of a political party at the Centre having its root in Maharashtra to concede ground to him at certain points in time.  Such a person arousing hysteria amongst the masses at the national level is something which may not bode well for the future of democracy in India.

Now, going beyond the level of the drafting committee which ultimately ended up inconclusively with two sets of bills, the next level in this process shifted to the Government's authority to draft a legislation to be presented to Parliament for discussion, approval and subsequent enactment.  However, so sooner has the Government introduced the bill in Parliament, this gentleman has again resorted to arousing mass hysteria and indulging in act of burning the copies of a bill which is introduced in Parliament.  These acts were more prominently done during the British Raj where the existence of Parliament controlled by the British was not acceptable to the Indian public.  In the present times, the Parliament is India's supreme body authorised by the Constitution to make and amend laws and the act of burning a bill placed before the Parliament is a direct challenge to the existence of this august body.

What is surprising is the silence of the Government and the judiciary in taking to task such acts.  If today, one Anna Hazare is allowed to dictate what laws should be framed by Parliament, then the very existence of a democratic system is at risk and in future there may not be any need for a Parliament to legislate.  This responsibility may be forcefully taken up by more of such Hazares, Kejriwals, Bhushans and their likes.  And to support them will be the ignorant Indian public, who may eventually suffer at the hands of such people.

If the bill in its present form is not acceptable, the recourse is wide open to the members of Parliament to debate, oppose and bring amendments.  If the Anna is being supported by any political party, then his recourse is to use their services rather than indulge in openly degrading Parliament and the democratic system.  The Constitution has granted the right to protest, but not at the cost of challenging the Constitution itself, for any act against Parliamentary democracy is a challenge to the principles laid down in the Constituion.  Mr. Hazare and his coterie may well be advised to contest elections and voice their opinion in Parliament rather than resorting to pressure tactics at Jantar Mantar or the Ramlila Grounds.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Love Life



To Keep The Heart Closed To Goodness
Is to Keep Love Away From Life
Life Is All About Love
And Love Is What Keeps Life Going
A Closed Heart And A Dead Man
Are All But Forgotten
Love Is THe Feeling Which Gives
Happiness From WIthin
Love Is WHat Moves The Soul ANd Stirs The Mind
Love I SpecialAnd Divine
Love Is THe Strength For Achievement
Love Is the Reason for Devotion and Dedication
My Love For You Is What Makes
Me Special to You ANd YOu To ME
We Came Together Not By Chance
But By Love
Destined To Happen
For Love is Life And LIfe Is All About Love

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Aman Ki Asha - A Hope for Peace

I envy the pigeons that fly
From my side to yours
There are no boundaries
That stop them from going beyond
For they are pigeons, not men
Like you and me
Who fight as nations
Nations who were one not long ago

Why can't there be peace
As there used to be once upon a time
Why can't there be a realisation
That hate begets hate

Peace will bring us closer
Peace will keep us happy
Peace will give us a reason
To bring prosperity

I wonder when the day will come
When people who matter understand
Let's not fight yet again
Let's not try to break each other once again

We gained nothing but hate
After we chose to separate
We could have been one happy nation
Had we taken a wise decision

What happened is now history
What can be gained now should not be a mystery
Let's work towards peace
Let's make peace, let's make peace

Hope for peace
Hope for prosperity

That is my request to you O my brother on the other side
For you forget you are part of me

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Religion and Philosophy

Philosophy is a viewpoint held by an individual on how he believes life should be lived or the mannerism which according to him is more appropriate. Philosophy is a theory which evolves out of the desire to move away from a set way of doing things or a set way of leading life.

Often with passage of time and out of religious, ethnical and cultural beliefs, certain things are done in a certain manner and over a period of time such mannerisms and such beliefs are passed on and followed by generations down the line. A person who may not necessarily be someone wanting to bring about drastic changes in traditional beliefs, but who may dare to think differently and dwell upon the basic issues of traditional beliefs comes out with his own theories and thoughts. He dares to question the rationale of tradition which according to him were not born out of religious beliefs but seem to be the application of the thought process. He comes out with his own interpretation of why he believes traditional approach needs to be improved upon with the change in time or why he believes that he would rather discard tradition and take an approach which is not identifiable with the existing traditional way.

In certain cases, new theories, new beliefs and new approaches are not looked upon favourably by the society and the people who dare to think differently become untouchables. In some cases however, where the philosophy professed is not totally against the set principles or where there is no challenge to the divinity or religious beliefs but is more in the form of seeking independence from forced practices not relevant in the age when the theory is devised, certain sections of the society tend to take a positive approach, though such acceptance is bound to be slow and gradual.

Before accepting or rejecting new theories and new approaches which are directly connected to way of life and tradition, what needs to be analysed is whether the philosophy is directly targetting the fundamentals of the society and the religious faith, beliefs and practices of the society. If the philosophy does in any way, directly or indirectly target the basics of religious faith and belief, then such theories are liable to be rejected. Religious faith is the basic fundamental of human existence and any attempt to negate, disprove or blemish the religion needs to be dealt with firmly.

However, if the theory targets the traditional approaches which are purportedly derived out of wrong interpretation of religion by unscrupulous elements, who when devising traditions did it mainly for the benefit of their types, if there is any attempt to bring about awareness of the follies of such wrong traditional approach, then such philosophies, theories and thought processess need to be heard, analysed and accepted if found correct. Rather than distancing the thinkers, the traditional followers should try to understand why the modern thinker has come to a situatation which led him to interpret things differently. Were they wrong in imposing beliefs which they thought are correct? Were they wrong in promoting things which they inherited from their elders without questioning the rationale? Do they feel that what they followed without questioning needs to be followed by their succeeding generation without raising any objections?

What needs to be understood is except the fundamentals nothing is constant. If certain beliefs and approaches are not in sync with the change is generation, it would be futile to force their application. It is best to instill the fundamentals and leave the application to the generations to come. If the fundamental beliefs are strong no generation would dare to question the very existence of divinity and there will not arise a breed of preachers, theorists and philosophers who end up creating a distinct cult of followers who forget the original beliefs and start practising the theories of the modern day preacher who may have his own reasons of creating a different thought process.

With an increase in such philosophers and theorists, there will eventually come a time when the original followers would stand the risk of extinction and there would arise a number of groups with their own different beliefs, all purportedly under the umbrella of a common faith. All such groups shall eventually strive to achieve supremacy over the other groups which may lead to conflicts, disputes and situation of strife.

It is therefore best to consolidate beliefs by instilling the basic faith strongly within the followers and allowing them the liberty to be liberal in approach rather than imposing rigidity. This will ensure harmony and a purposeful existence of humanity.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflections of 2009 - A yearly ritual

2009 A. D. comes to an end in about 1 hour and 52 minutes from the moment I have started to write this blog. As a yearly ritual followed by all and indulged in by me as well, I make an attempt to write whether this calendar year was any different from the earlier years that went by or whether at this year end we hope for a better year ahead.

Around the world 2009 was no different than the other years. But some important events would make it a year worth remembering, both for the right and the wrong reasons.

The event which I would like to list first is something which happened almost at the end of the year. The Nobel peace prize. And it's not the peace prize but the recipient of the prize which makes the year interesting. Of all the people in the world involved in the peace process world wide, the Nobel Committee based in Oslo could only agree that except for Mr. Barack Obama, the world has not seen any peace effort in any human around the globe.

This reminds me of the earlier days of the Filmfare Awards where year after year the Black Lady used to become the property of a certain actor, in fact over two generations of actors, there have been two actors who have been consistently taking away the trophy, implying thereby that there was no actor who could be considered fit for the Best Actor trophy except these two mega superstars. My point here is that I seriously believe that awards are not decided on merit, but they can be only 'purchased', not earned.

I see no reason why a certain Mr. Abdus Sattar Eidhi, based in Karachi, Pakistan, a very ordinary person providing humanitarian services to humanity, alive or dead, could not be considered as one of the contenders for the award at any time in the history of Nobel prize, except for the fact that the award is not meant for the purpose which the title depicts, but it is an item of decoration for those who can afford the decoration.

I leave this issue at this, for writing anything on this serves no purpose.

The other notable event of 2009 was the recently concluded Copenhagen Conference on Global Warming. It brought to fore the difference in approach to the question of global warming and environmental pollution. The developed countries' belief that it is within their rights to expect the developing and third world countries to take steps to reduce activities that lead to pollution of the environment and at the same time, beyond the rights of the rest of the world to expect the developed countries to adhere to the standards laid down by them to prevent pollution of the environment is the most absurd, illogical and highly condemnable belief. This attitude perhaps led to the failure of the summit. Though publicly proclaimed that the summit achieved common ground, from what a layman like me can understand about the going ons at the summit, I can see it as a disaster.

On my personal front, a day before the year ends, I took an hour's assessment for certification in International Financial Reporting Standards through the ACCA. And I succeeded in the assessment. Success on the educational front has been eluding me for quite a while now and I hope that as the year ended on a positive note for me, the new year also helps me achieve my objective of clearing the exam held by the National Law School University of India.

This year gave us another 5 year term of Mr. Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister of India, which was a very positive thing to happen to India. No doubt Mr. Singh is one of the best Prime Ministers that India has ever had.

There have been many positives and an equal number of negatives in this whole year, yet, all in all, this year has been a good year, a year having three hundred and sixty five days and each day giving equal opportunities for the good and the bad. During the course of these three hundred and sixty five days the success of good over the bad and vice versa resulted in events which either became worth remembering or worth hating. In short, it is all about DESTINY.

May we all have a better year ahead. Bye bye 2009. Welcome 2010.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am back...

To all those who have bothered to read my blog...

I am back to blogging and plan to put up a new article which I plan to write soon.

However, what intrigues me is the fact that though a few people have read my blogs, not all of them have left their comments. It is a sincere request, let me have your thoughts on what I write, otherwise, my writing something and putting it up online serves no purpose.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Treading Miles and Keeping Promises

How many miles do I still have to tread
Don’t I yearn for the woods, lovely, dark and deep

How many promises do I still have to make and keep
Don’t I have a promise for myself to keep

Was not my life full of promises to me
Was not I meant to find solace in the silence of the woods

Why then do I still have to tread?
Why then do I still have promises to keep?

Give me one just one ray of hope
That at the end there’s light
Light in the darkness of the depth where thou shall put me to lay

Make me a promise that the miles I tread, the promises I keep
Will give me peace…eternally….eternally