Thursday, July 5, 2007

Why do I Blog...My Blogging Introduction

Diwan, an Urdu word, means a Diary. This word is synonomous with great thinkers, writers and poets. I do not consider myself in any of these categories. Yet, it is a fact, that those who landed up in these categories never thought themselves to be great. It was the readers who put them in their rightful place.

Writers have been contemporary, fictional, realistic or even rebellious. Those whose thoughts have been accepted are considered great writers. Rebellious writings have either been rejected and the writers put into oblivion or they have been retained in history and put up as examples to deter those who dare to think out of the box.

I therefore write what comes to my mind and put it on my blog. It is for the readers to tell me where I stand


kinkminos said...

We await, with bated breath, the opportunity to tell you where you stand
: )
blog in peace

simon said...

well written, interesting, and beautiful blog.
I thought about including a link to your site on my blog.

if you ever get the chance, come visit me back


my blog is (not nearly as superficial as it sounds ;-) )