Sunday, July 8, 2007

Finally, the Taj Mahal retained its place in history as one of the seven great wonders of the world. A lot of hype was created in India on 'save the Taj Mahal from being delisted' issue. The Taj Mahal, as everyone around the world knows, is a monument of love. It is a symbol of true love. Undoubtedly, it deserves to be there in the seven great wonders of the world. Undoubtedly, it remains to be cherished not as history, but as a living example, of being the only true symbol of love.
The reasons are manifold, for the memory of the Taj Mahal to be kept alive and remembered and not put in history. For one, in the present way of living, love has lost its true meaning. How many of us today would really understand what true love is? Love, in real sense, has lost its charm. Today, love is synonomous with attraction to the opposite sex, generally, and in other cases, love holds various meanings. Not that in the earlier generations, physical attraction was absent, but neither was true love.
I sincerely believe however, that today too, there are people who would still love to be in love. Inspite of the changing lifestyles, shrinking spaces and corrupt influence of the internet, television and the desire to copy what used to be the lifestyle of the West, only if we, the youth of today, take out time and give and share love to our beloved, love will stand the onslaught of the demon who seeks to dilute love and promote lust.
The Taj Mahal was made once and will never be remade. But, let us convert the enthusiasm everyone showed by sms-ing and online voting to enable the monument to retain its place in the list by at least trying to really be in love.


kinkminos said...

i think in order to return to a more traditional form of love (rather than movie-style love-making) as the basis of a meaningful relationship between a man and a woman, the first two institutions that need to be bombed out of existence are Bollywood and Hollywood. i swear, they mess with our sense of relationships in a very insidious way.

i recall Lenny Bruce writing in How To Talk Dirty and Influence People that he would much prefer his children (i don't think he ultimately had any) to learn about sex from porn movies (i'm sure he meant the soft core porn prevalent in the sixties rather than the absolutely gross hardcore shit more common today) than from Hollywood films.
(i'll see if i can find the quote from his book.)

The other (major) problem with the youth of today is twofold, but stemming from the same source - viz the computers/internet. by socialising tthrough a thoroughly impersonal medium, they are losing (or have never found) the art of communicative socialisation. Secondly, it is a generation accustomed to Gratification on Demand, instant access to everything they (think they) need.

A new species of troglodytic monkeys is being bred in the science labs of the world's silicon alleys and byways.

Allah khair karay

kinkminos said...

*Thinking things through before diving into the act*

zenia said...

I actually voted for Taj Mahal to be(still) one of the seven wonders of the world. Taj Mahal actually reminds me of you Nawaz. Taj has this enigmatic effect that grows within me everytime and whenever i get the chance to take a glimpse of its picture. And how i wish that one day i'd be able to explore and experience for myself what Taj Mahal can really bring and give love to a person who loves to be in love.